Anemos Ananeosis is organizing a workshop on “Social economy, social responsibility and social financing: good examples, obstacles, potential in Europe and the USA”, on Friday 8th of March, 17.00, in WELCOMMON HOSTEL, 4, Kapodistriou str, near Kaniggos sq:
– “Social responsibility and Vanderbilt University – Project Pyramid’s role in bringing students and social impact organizations together”, Tyler Skelton, MBA Class of 2019, Vanderbilt University
Project Pyramid matches groups of students with social enterprise partners around the world to work on meaningful projects. The class has just entered its 13th year and has sent more than 700 students to work with more than 50 partners in over 20 counties. Tyler Skelton is the Project Pyramid Board Chair for the Turner Family Center for Social Ventures, a Vanderbilt University student-led organization that aims to help students understand how market forces can help with poverty alleviation and other social issues. Tyler will have a quick talk about the Turner Family Center and Project Pyramid before opening up discussion
– “How to finance your social project in Germany”: Lea-Sophie Müller-Praefcke, Anemos Ananeosis / Wind of Renewal’ s volunteer
In Germany there are lots of possibilities for financing a social project, but many projects do not know about this. So we will give some short ideas about the possibilities you have, either Crowdfunding and competition or sponsorships from the state.
– “The Green Office Movement”: David Delto, Anemos Ananeosis / Wind of Renewal’ s volunteer
The Green Office Movement was established in the Maastricht University in 2010, now it spreads worldwide: the Green Office Movement-a sustainability office at the University, which coordinates sustainable projects, realizes green education, organizes events etc. The whole Green Office Movement is open-source, so every University has the freedom to form the role of the Office, as it needs to be. We will give you quick information about the idea of the Green Office and tell you about our experiences in trying to establish the Green Office in Frankfurt.
– “Rreuse, a European network of social enterprises for reuse, recycling and social inclusion”, Antigone Dalamanga, president of Rre-use
RREUSE represents social enterprises active in reuse, repair and recycling. Rreuse and its members want the EU and national governments to move from promoting just recycling and waste management to putting secondhand first. Rreuse members employ people at risk of socio-economic exclusion and help bring them back into work. In addition they bring products back to the market at affordable prices providing essential household items to low income groups. Approximately 140,000 workers, trainees and volunteers are engaged in the activities of its 26 members across 24 European countries and the USA.
– “European programs for financing social projects”, Nikos Papakostas, INTERALIA,
Designing a funding strategy for NGOs and social projects, European Funding Opportunities 2014 – 2020. Why you need a funding strategy, how you can start, Stakeholder Analysis, initiatives and practices for social innovation, sustainable solutions to youth unemployment
Nikos Chrysogelos, chair of Anemos Ananeosis / Wind of Renewal will coordinate the discussion
The discussion will be in English. Registration online is now open:
The workshop is part of a series of discussions and events titled “Green Social Innovation” organised by the social cooperative Anemos Ananeosis/ Wind of Renewal, with the support of Heinrich Boell Stiftung Greece
@VanderbiltU @RREUSE_Brussels @windofrenewal @INTERALIAPRJ
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