Local Social Green Resilience Action Plans for small and peripheral territories
SMP-COSME-2021-RESILIENCE-SEM (G.A. 101074093)
The GRAPE project aims at experimenting the co-construction of local plans for the green, social and digital transitions in four small and marginalised territories engaging social economy actors.
Indeed, effective resilience to the climate, social and economic crisis is inherently local and in the EU there are some 121 000 small municipalities (EUROSTAT, LAU2) often located in deprived area, with low budget and administrative capacities and far away from mainstream public development policies. Here, often Social and Solidarity-based economy (SSE) actors have a primary role in creating and managing economic and social activities and services and may therefore contribute to the territorial resilience.
Consequently, the project has joined 4 small complementary territories in 3 countries: Mirabella Imbaccari (IT), Malegno (IT), Bonares (ES), Sifnos (GR), together with an experienced European public authorities and SSE actors, a network (REVES) and a regional cooperative network (FAECTA). For each territory, in addition to the respective municipalities, an SSE organisation has been involved: Fondazione di Comunità di Messina (leader partner) in Mirabella Imbaccari, Sol.Co. Camunia in Malegno, COOPINTE in Bonares and Anemos Ananeosis / Wind Of Renewal in Sifnos.
The conference will offer the opportunity to share and discuss the main results of the processes that brought the 4 communities to draft their local Social Green Resilience Action Plans and analyse their implications at a more general level for any remote and rural area, also introducing a digital toolkit for small communities interested in implementing the same participatory processes.
The conference will be entirely held in English. You can receive a link for your participation in the conference, sending your request to: windofrenewal@gmail.com
SMP-COSME-2021-RESILIENCE-SEM (G.A. 101074093)
16 th October 2023 online conference
9.00 – 9.15 Introduction to the conference
Mr. Giacomo Pinaffo (Fondazione MeSSInA)
9.15 – 10.30 Examples of transition priorities in the target territories
Mr. Ismael Medina Claros (Bonares) – renewable energy communities and ecological transition
Mr. Gio Lodovico Baglioni (Malegno) – recovery of abandoned lands and agro-biodiversity preservation
Mr. Nikos Chrysogelos (Sifnos) – climate mitigation and adaptation strategies; diversification of economy and sustainable, cool tourism
Mrs. Giulia Miotti (Mirabella Imbaccari) – local development through renewable energy communities and slow tourism
10.30 – 10.45 Break
10.45 – 11.00 Presentation of the policy recommendations
Mrs. Erdmuthe Klaer (REVES)
11.00 – 12.30 Public policies for the social, green and digital transition in remote and rural communities
Alexia Rouby, European Commission, DG AGRI (tbc)
Alberto Cottica – UNDP Accelerator Labs
Maria Cristina Morsellino, “BREED – Building community REsiliencE and sustainable Development through social economy” (tbc)
Mr. Chris MM Gordon, Irish Social Enterprise Network/Social Enterprise Exchange (tbc)
12.30 – 13.00 Presentation of the digital toolkit for small communities
Mr. Luigi Martignetti (REVES)
Sign up in advance for this conference: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYqd-qvqTksGdYeJqfC1uKEZkPe0wyCGyPD
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