This article was published in Housing Europe http://www.housingeurope.eu/blog-913/energy-poverty-in-greece
A policy paper “Energy poverty in Greece; Social innovation proposals to tackle the phenomenon” was recently published by the Heinrich Βöll Foundation Greece in collaboration with the social cooperative Wind of Renewal and ΙΝΖΕΒ – Institute of Zero Energy Buildings.
In this policy paper, the factors comprising the multi-faceted problem of energy poverty are being introduced as well as its social, economic and environmental consequences. Policies and good examples for dealing with the phenomenon from various European countries are being presented. The main focus is on a series of proposals for tackling the problem in Greece. More specifically, these proposals demonstrate the need for a holistic approach of green, social innovation that, in conjunction with the adequate documentation of the phenomenon, can provide viable solutions, with respect to the current circumstances of Greece. The proposals focus in four main areas: changes in policy, information and education, increase of the energy efficiency of buildings and the use of renewable energy sources.
The whole study is available in Greek here and a summary in English here
The policy paper supports the approach that we need schemes based on the application of energy efficiency measures and orientation towards the benefit of citizens, the protection of public health, and the improvement of economic indicators at the community, municipal, regional, and country level through the creation of new jobs.
The proposals are intended to represent sustainable solutions for the indirect increase of house-hold income, rather than the introduction of subsidies, with the aim of simultaneous contribution to the national and European objectives regarding the protection of the environment and climate change. The schemes could also utilize European financial instruments and funding options, synergies and networking among stake-holders through collaborative energy associations, innovative business models and social housing.
Nikos Chrysogelos
President of WIND of RENEWAL