Visit to the House of Lorenzo. Non profit organization
In the context of the meeting of the partners of the project SESYCARE, in Italy, Lanciano – Abruzzo, on the 20 and 21 October 2022, the hosting organization Consortium GMC Global Med Care (Consorzio di Cooperative sociali Global Med Care (former: Consorzio Cooperative Sociali SGS Servizi Globali Sociosanitari), organized a visit to one of its members the House of Lorenzo, to show it as a best practice.
La Caza di Lorentzo is a non-profit organization (NPO) that fulfills social objective and as such is recognized as an entity of social utility. According to the Italian legislation this type of NPOs can enjoy certain tax allowances for the financial support they receive from the public or State, while the donors can also receive tax exemptions.
Lorenzo Constantini was a 20-year-old young boy who was a good student and very sportive young boy until the family discovered that he had a leukemia. Lorenzo had to be transferred to a special hospital in USA but the family could not afford the cost of the treatment which was $600,000. Their call for financial assistance from the public proved to be very successful, people of the region proved to be very sensible to Lorenzo’s case, and a period of few weeks was enough for this sum to be collected.
Unfortunately Lorenzo succumbed to this illness. Therefore, an NPO was created to which the above amount was transferred to assist families with young persons who need help and have health problems. A small apartment was acquired by the NPO where those who experience the pain of an illness of their relatives, mostly children or a dear loss, can find support and comfort. It offers totally free services that include group meetings with professional psychologists, nutritionists, yoga sessions and support to all people who experience pain in solitude.
There are also meetings with lawyers and social assistants to support and advise from a bureaucratic point of view all those who need to rely on to a professional for the handling of invalidity practices, and social – sec https://www.lacasadilorenzo.org/
The meeting took place in Lanciano, Abruzzo, Italy under the hospices of the Global Med Care Consortium of Social Cooperatives promotion of Social Entrepreneurship Skills to Young CARE givers of people with chronic Illness and mental and other needs, to which Anemos Ananeosis / Wind of Renewal is a partner together with EPIONI, the Istanbul Gelisim University and the Dutch Foundation of Innovation Welfare 2 Work.