Wind of Renewal with the Welcommon project was among the candidates for REVES Excellence Award 2017. A jury consisting of representatives of the Committee of the Regions, the European Parliament, the OECD and Social Economy Europe honoured us with the “Special Mention” award as an innovative/promising example of cooperation among cities/regions and social economy organisations. Welcommon distinguished among 15 candidates from 7 different European countries.
Since its inception, the REVES Excellence Award has the objective to make real alliances between local/regional authorities and the social economy, as well as their achievements, more visible. At the same time, it aims to foster the emergence of new partnerships between these two players.
The President of Wind of Renewal, Nikos Chrysogelos, presented the project at the REVES Excellence Award Conference on 8 June 2017 at the European Committee of the Regions, in presence of EU public authorities and social economy organisations’ representatives, policy makers, citizens and other stakeholders.
Welcommon is a model community center in Athens for hosting and promoting social inclusion of refugees. It is implemented by the social enterprise Wind of Renewal, in cooperation with the Athens Development and Destination Management Agency (EATA), under the “Relocation Scheme Program” of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR).
In October 2016 Welcommon hosted the first refugees and until today it has hosted 448 refugees. Welcommon aims to provide temporary accommodation for refugees but also to promote their social integration. It is a facility not just for the refugees but primarily with the refugees, to the benefit of the local community.
Welcommon offers:
To the refugees:
– decent and safe accommodation, food and cover for basic needs
– psychosocial support
– cultural training
– social integration
To the local community:
– new jobs
– professional training
– professional specialization
– a boost to the local market
Find out more about Welcommon through a comprehensive presentation here and the website www.welcommon.gr