Ines: Volunteering in the Welcommon Hostel with Wind of Renewal for Social and Green Innovation

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Volunteering in the Welcommon Hostel with Anemos Ananeosis / Wind of Renewal for Social and Green Innovation
– Volunteer from October 2020 to March 2021

My name is Inès Doumandji. I am a 22years old French girl, and I studied Psychology. After the end of my bachelor, I decided to take a year off studies to focus on what I really want to do after my Master: working with refugees.

Since I cannot work as a psychologist for refugees yet, I still decided to start this crazy adventure in the social environment by volunteering in Greece with refugees. I found Anemos Ananeosis and the Welcommon Hostel on the website Workaway and I thought that it was the perfect opportunity for me to participate in a European Solidarity Corps project: I get to live for free in the hostel with the migrants in exchange of sharing what I can with them and learning so much from them participating in the European Solidarity Corps “Green Social Innovation for young persons” implemented by Anemos Ananeosis / Wind of Renewal.

I started volunteering in the project in the very beginning of October 2020 and I stopped in March 2021. Those 6 months felt like 2. I did not plan on staying that long there, but I got caught by the beauty of the place. Anemos Ananeosis and the Welcommon Hostel have beautiful projects about social and environmental impact that follow my principles and made me feel like I have my place here.

At the beginning I started exclusively teaching German and English to refugees not living in the hostel, and just visiting for the classes. But when Covid-19 hit harder, the restrictions became stricter and we could not welcome people from outside of the hostel anymore, so we decided to teach to the residents.

After a while, different activities were added to the German and English classes. Because of lockdown, the need that we, as volunteers had, and that the residents (almost all refugees) had to take part of more different activities inside of the hostel grew. That is when we created the sport classes, and the various activities like IT class, activities with children (games in English mostly), and games with adults! Our schedule became quite busy but also more diverse and it was very interesting.

After a while, we also decided to take part of the work that needs to be done at the reception as all the residents were more or less homeless refugees. We were all together doing different things for the empowerment of the hosted families and their social inclusion based on a very innovative methods!

The volunteers participating in A2 activities, organized a lot of different projects, a week about environment where we talked about recycling, consuming reasonably, taking care of our planet.

A beauty activity that women could join, where Syrian, Kurdish, Cameroons, Afghan, French, German, Italian and Belgian women joined together to have some self-care time which was also a lot of fun.

We also created some games in the hostel with pictures, where two teams were fighting to find where the pictures were taken in the hostel… that was all a lot of fun.

But this is not all. The things that I will mostly remember about these 6 months is the love that children gave me, all the drawings that I will bring back to France in my suitcase, the weird ways of communicating that we end up developing to be able to understand each other, the delicious meals from all around the world that people cooked and invited me to try, all the laughter, all the time google translation saved or failed us etc…

I would recommend this experience to anyone, I arrived this hostel way younger in my mind than I will leave it, that is for sure !

Welcommon Hostel, one of the best civil society initiatives of the Euro-Med Region

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“Long Night of Ideas”
O Άνεμος Ανανέωσης και το Welcommonhostel μεταξύ των 6 καλύτερων Ευρω-Μεσογειακών πρωτοβουλιών της κοινωνίας των πολιτών (best of) που θα παρουσιαστούν από τους Euromed Citizen Reporters, ζωντανά σε μια διαδικτυακή εκδήλωση από τη Γερμανία στο πλαίσιο της “Long Night of Ideas”, την Δευτέρα 7 Ιουνίου, στις 21.00 (CEST) (22.00 στην Αθήνα)
Συνδεθείτε εδώ:
Θα παρουσιαστούν
– Welcommon Hostel και Άνεμος Ανανέωσης (Ελλάδα)
– Banlastic Egypt (Αίγυπτος)
– Sustainable Cooperation for Peace & Security (Ιταλία)
– Youth Dialogue Platform (Λιβύη)
– KITABI (Μαρόκο)
– SΕPT (Λίβανος)
Οι Euromed Citizen Reporters (We are still here! EuroMed Citizen Reporters” είναι ένα πρόγραμμα του Γερμανικού Δικτύου Anna Lindh Foundation (για τον διάλογο των πολιτισμών Ευρώπη-Μεσόγειο) Anna Lindh Stiftung και του ιδρύματος Candid Foundation gGmbH που υποστηρίχθηκε από το Γερμανικό Υπουργείο Εξωτερικών Auswärtiges Amt
– Το Welcommonhostel (Αθήνα) είναι ένα καινοτόμο #hostel βιώσιμου τουρισμού αλλά και κέντρο για την προώθηση της κοινωνικής και πράσινης καινοτομίας, της κοινωνικής ενδυνάμωσης και ένταξης, της δράσης για το κλίμα και της ενεργειακής μετάβασης, που δημιουργήθηκε από τον Άνεμο Ανανέωσης
– Η δράση Banlastic Egypt είναι μια πρωτοβουλία στην Αλεξάνδρεια Αιγύπτου για την απαγόρευση των πλαστικών μιας χρήσης στη χώρα, προσφέροντας εναλλακτικές λύσεις πράσινων προϊόντων και ευαισθητοποιώντας ευρύτερα με εργαστήρια και καθαρισμούς ακτών
– Η Sustainable Cooperation for Peace & Security @SustainableCoo (Ιταλία) είναι μια πρωτοβουλία για την προώθηση της βιωσιμότητας, της ειρήνης και της ασφάλειας, με έμφαση στις γυναίκες και τη νεολαία
– Η Youth Dialogue Platform @YDPLibya (Λιβύη) είναι μια πρωτοβουλία που προωθεί την ενδυνάμωση των νέων μέσω του διαλόγου μεταξύ των Λίβυων και πέρα από αυτούς
– Η KITABI (Μαρόκο) είναι μια βιβλιοθήκη για παιδιά
– Η SEPT (Save Energy Plant Trees) όπως λέει ο τίτλος της “εξοικονομήστε ενέργεια, φυτέψτε δέντρα) (Λίβανος – Βηρυττός)
“Long Night of Ideas” #civilsociety is contributing a lot to overcome challenges of our times its Best Of will be livestreamed on June 7th!
The premiere of #EuroMed Citizen Visions” during the #lndi21 by Auswärtiges Amt
– Sustainable Cooperation for Peace & Security @SustainableCoo
– @YDPLibya
Monday 7th of June, on 21.00 Central European Summer Time (CEST) (22.00, Athens time 22.00)
Welcommonhostel is an innovative hostel for sustainable tourism open to all the travellers, as well as a centre for social and green innovation, social empowerment and inclusion, art, intercultural dialogue, climate action and energy transition
Banlastic Egypt aims to ban single use plastic in Egypt by offering alternative green products and by spreading awareness through workshops and beach cleanups
– Sustainable Cooperation for Peace & Security @SustainableCoο Sustainable Development Goals through UNSCR 1325 “Women Peace and Security” and 2250 “Youth Peace and Security”. From Italy to the Earth globe
– Youth Dialogue Platform @YDPLibya is an initiative that promotes Youth empowerment through dialogue among Libyans and beyond (online and offline) #UNSCR2250
– KITABI (Morocco) is a children’s library
– SEPT (Save Energy Plant Trees) (Lebanon- Beirut). Neighborhood help in Lebanon
June 7th, 9 p.m. CEST –
“Lange Nacht der Ideen” #twitterchallenge Mit unserer Idee wird die Kreativität und Innovationskraft von interkultureller Zivilgesellschaft sichtbar. Am 7. Juni um 21 Uhr in der 20min
Welcommonhostel Banlastic Egypt @SustainableCoo KIBATE SEPT @YDPLibya
Show “EuroMed Citizen Visions” unter
Diese „Best-of-Show“ zivilgesellschaftlicher Initiativen der euro-mediterranen Region zeigt, wie neue kreative Formen des interkulturellen Dialogs, der aktiven Bürgerschaft und der gesellschaftlichen Partizipation an der Basis und lokal initiiert und gestaltet werden – trotz teilweise geschlossener physischer Grenzen und eingeschränkter Bewegungs- und Begegnungsmöglichkeiten vor Ort.
Die „Citizen Reporters“ aus Libyen, Ägypten, Italien, Griechenland und dem Libanon kommen selbst zu Wort und präsentieren lokale Aktivitäten und Initiativen, die Hoffnung, Solidarität und Visionen von einer aktiven, vielfältigen und agilen internationalen Zivilgesellschaft vermitteln.
Das Format setzt das Projekt „We are still here! EuroMed Citizen Reporters“ fort und findet in Kooperation mit der Anna Lindh Foundation statt.
Die 20-minütige Show wird am 7. Juni um 21:00 Uhr live gestreamt.
Die Premiere während der „Langen Nacht der Ideen 2021“ ist zugleich der Startschuss für die Publikation einer Vielzahl von zivilgesellschaftlichen Initiativen auf der Website.
#lndi21 @zak_kiτ @EuroMedCR


Combining Green Roofs with Solar Power and Cooling

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by Hartwig Berger,

Sekretariat für Zukunftsforschung

As a result of their study-trips in Berlin, the EUKI-YESclima teams from Athens and Cádiz have elaborated the general proposal “Smart Roofs” for cities in Southern Europe.

In our home regions we have to take care to reduce greenhouse gases and also for climate adaptation, in particular during extreme heat periods. Thus, our proposal is to combine the roof-greening of buildings with solar panels moving with the course of the sun, so giving more power during the day. The roofs shall be cultivated with plants, which are resistant against dryness, sowed in a soil mixed with material conserving rainwater, for example by extended clay. At the same time, the green zone on the top insulates the building to a certain extent and cools in hot periods the environment via the evaporation of the plants.

Because of serious periods of water scarcity to be expected in the near future, in the outside of the buildings we recommend “rainwater harvesting”: to collect the rain in artificial lakes of subterranean stores, to irrigate trees and plants in the surrounding and, more sophisticated, also for water flushing in toilets.

We think of combining the green solar roof with an innovative system of cooling buildings, which was elaborated and is at present tested by scientists in the universities of Sevilla and Cádiz. This system, named “CAVE” , seeks to exploit the possibilities of cooling by evaporation and ventilation, combined with a thermal insulation of the roof. This same concept was applied in the energy-audits which are elaborated by the YESclima team of Cádiz for schools in towns of the province. Now we think to propose it for urban buildings in general.

The cities in our home regions offer great opportunities, but have also to cope with dangerous weeks in summertime. The opportunity is the power of sun, giving much better results in generating electricity than in Northern European areas. The danger consists in extreme heat periods causing serious water crisis. Let us combine the fight against the growing climate crisis with our activities for better life quality in our cities.

Let´s go ahead.

Photo: Sebastian Stragies: Students of the YESclima project with Hartwig Berger

Responsible for the content is the named author / organisation: YESclima, Hartwig Berger