Anemos Ananeosis / Wind of Renewal organised a workshop on “current issues / needs of refugees in Greece”, on Tuesday 5th of March 2019, at the Welcommon Hostel.
In cooperation with Dimitris Sanas from Solidarity Now Athens we had a presentation about employability/ opportunities for refugees and migrants. Giorgos Kanaris (Solidarity Now) introduced us the services of the “Solidarity Social Center Athens” especially the part of the employability couselor, how to focus on the skills and capabilities of a person and create together a plan of action to open ways for integration in greek labour market.

After that there was time to pose questions and continued the workshop by Antonio Cardia from the Greek Forum of Migrants. We discussed together with representatives of the Afghan and Georgian community in Athens about the diverse needs and problems but also talked about solutions and ways of inclusion in greek society.

The attendees of this workshop were
– students from the Vanderbilt University (USA),
– refugees of Wind of Renewal’s program for social inclusion,
– our international volunteers and
– other people working in this field.
Anemos Ananeosis (Wind of Renewal) hosted this workshop as part of a series of discussions and events titled “Green Social Innovation“, supported by the Heinrich Boell Foundation Greece, to inform and discuss different needs of the refugees and migrants in Greece.
#welcommonhostel @windofrenewal #volunteers #solidaritynow#employability #refugees #migrants #greekforumofmigrants #vanderbilttfc #socialimpact #socialventures #vanderbilt #athens #socialinclusion #refugeecommunities #withrefugees #refugeeneeds #workshop