We stand with Ukraine and we support the Ukrainian women and children refugees in Greece. As the terrible war in Ukraine continues, there are millions of innocent people fleeing the violence with no place to go. It’s truly unimaginable. We can help. We can at least support the Ukrainian refugees in our countries, especially the women and children.
What we are doing for/with the Ukrainian women and children
- The social cooperative Anemos Ananeosis / Wind of Renewal @WindRenewal and its innovative and inclusive Welcommon Hostel @WelcommonHostel work together with the Ukrainian Women in Greece @UkrainianWomeninGreece (УкраїнкивГреції) to support the women and children from Ukraine who arrived as refugees in Greece due to Putin’s invasion and the war in their country, with language classes, painting, theater, dancing, yoga and other creative activities. All the activities are implemented, free of cost and without any grant, thanks to the collaboration between Ukrainian women and Wind of Renewal’s young enthusiastic volunteers from all over the world (we have hosted more than 380 volunteers in the Welcommon Hostel since September 2016).
- The two associations, Anemos Ananeosis / Wind of Renewal and the Ukrainian Women in Greece organised a trip of 65 children and teenagers from Ukraine to Athens. The choir “Yevshan” Galician Chamber Choir of the Lviv Regional Center for Folk Art and Cultural Educational Activities and the sport team «Uspikh» participated in the two days festival Cossack Art 2022, on 15th and 16th of October 2022 with musical and other events of solidarity with the citizens of Ukraine. The trip was also an opportunity for the young people to stay 3 days away from the war that is destroying so many lives in Ukraine and killing innocent people.
- Anemos Ananeosis / Wind of Renewal also offered to the Ukrainian Women in Greece – free of cost- place in the Welcommon Hostel in order to be able to support the Ukrainian refugees in Greece.
- We are trying to find financial resources for creating job opportunities for Ukrainian women and children refugees in Greece as long as they stay in our country and support them when they will be able to return to their homes. Especially we would like to create in common job opportunities and co-work on non formal education, energy transition, sustainable tourism, production and e-trade of clothes and jewellery
- In the Welcommon Hostel in Athens, we offer refugees a place to stay at a significantly reduced rate, if they have no alternative for housing
If you would like to support our social work, please donate to (don’t forget to add – Supporting your work with Ukrainian women and children)
Anemos Ananeosis / Wind of Renewal
(Cooperative) Bank of Karditsa
ΙΒΑΝ GR7608900100003010003540200
Swift Code STKAGRA1
Anemos Ananeosis / Wind of Renewal
Pireaus Bank
IBAN: GR83 0172 0180 0050 1807 7868 253
Piraeus’s BIC code is PIRBGRAA
Send us your details to (windofrenewal@gmail.com) in order to be able to issue the receipt for your donation
Contact us: windofrenewal@gmail.com
More about our activities:
Lessons and creative activities in Welcommon Hostel for / with Ukrainian Women and children, refugees in Greece
Painting – solidarity activity to Ukrainian people at the entrance of the Welcommon Hostel by other young refugees
#StandWithUkraine #stopPutinWar #solidarity #stopwarcrimes