Juliette: Volunteering I found the path in which I would like to invest myself professionally

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I am Juliette.

I graduated last year with a master in Social and Cultural communication and during my gap year, I wanted to involve myself in a social project. After many research on Internet, I found the “Green Social Innovation” on the website of Workaway.

I was directly interested by the project description: social and intercultural dialogue, skills exchange, arts and environmental oriented project. I got in touch with Nikos, the project manager, and he directly agreed to host me as a volunteer for the Welcommon Hostel and Wind of Renewal project. He also mentioned that this project is funded by the European Solidarity Corps and he suggested that I participate to the project with this organism.

One big aspect that I appreciated in this project is the inclusion of everyone in the Welcommon Hostel: people living in the hostel (short-term or long-term), refugees, travelers and local people. Plus, the city of Athens is full of history, mythology and is very inspiring for a curious mind as mine.

The Welcommon Hostel is situated in Exarcheia neighborhood which is just a few minutes by walking from all the important sights in Athens. I really enjoyed discovering this special neighborhood where everyone is included (homeless people, travelers, refugees, people living in squad, students and local people…).

The projects and activities

A precise schedule was developed by the previous volunteers at the beginning of this year. The main activities that we offered are the language skills exchange in English, French and German. On the other hand, we also learned some languages as Turkish, Arabic or Farsi thanks to the refugees. That’s why, we called it “skills exchange”: it is a bilateral way to share and learn about language, culture and many other topics important for people. This is really empowering for all of us. The Welcommon hostel offers their space to support everyone in developing and pursuing their own needs, ideas, skills and resources.

Exceptionally, we also organized some activities in the afternoon instead of doing the normal language lessons like visiting the “Khora association” so the people know they can get there to have free assistance.

At the end of each afternoon, we decided to promote activities for families where children and their parents can practice English while doing a fun activity together like making art and crafts or playing games.

During the evening from Monday to Thursday, we had several activities like cultural nights, karaoke, movies, theater and kickboxing. For the Cultural night, one country was chosen and people from this country could cook a traditional meal. After that, they can show and teach us traditional dances, this was a lot of fun!

On Sundays, we planned free outside activities like a carnival Party, a photography tour in the city, a walk and a picnic in the National Gardens, visiting the Panathinaikon/Olympic Stadium, visiting a sea turtle rescue center and cleaning up the beach near Glyfada. Everyone is free to join and we all became friends easily.



The refugee situation

I didn’t know a lot about refugees before working with them but I learned quite fast about personal experiences lived by each person I have met. During my stay, the refugees and volunteers were facing several challenges when Turkey opened their borders and that they were attacked by the Greek police and fascist people on the Greek islands of Lesvos, Chios and Moria which also affected the life in Athens where several peaceful protests and demonstrations were organized to show the support for refugees on these islands.

At the beginning of March, the Covid-19 situation got worse and the Greek government decided to close all the public institutions, which include the Welcommon Hostel. For the safety of refugees, the staff and the volunteers, we had to stop all our activities temporarily without knowing when we could start again. All the volunteers were forced to go back to their countries but we still try to provide online lessons by WhatsApp or email.

My experience

I arrived in Greece at the beginning of February thinking I had a lot of time to participate to this great project. The current situation with the Covid-19 virus forced me to leave the country much sooner than I planned but I already learned a lot during the days I spent at the Welcommon Hostel. From the first moment I had there, I directly felt welcomed as a member of a big family. The “Days of Welcommon” and “Green Social Innovation” project facilitates the communication and makes bridges between different social groups, communities and local people. The beneficiaries appreciated sharing their skills and participating to all the offers (language, environmental, sustainable and social activities). The Welcommon Hostel provides a safe space for everyone.

All the people coming to this place are so humble. Each of them has a unique story, ideas and experiences to share. They taught me that freedom is not granted for everyone. Most of the refugees I met in Athens were forced to flee their countries and I realized that having the choice to travel abroad is a real privilege. I also learned to be humbler and I really feel grateful for all the amazing people I met and the moments I lived with them. I really consider them as a second family. By participating to solidarity demonstrations, I know now that we can stand for everybody’s rights when they cannot do it by themselves. I think that being united and promoting solidarity is the most important.

As soon as the borders open again after the Covid-19 crisis, I will go back to Athens to continue the project because I felt useful there and I found the path in which I would like to invest myself professionally.

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Noyonika: Participating in the volunteering project “Days of Welcommon” in Athens

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I am Noyonika, a final year student of sociology and psychology from Delhi, India. I was recently a part of the volunteering project “Days of Welecommon” together with other volunteers with Wind of Renewal / Anemos Ananeosis, a social cooperative in Athens.

I was volunteering for social inclusion and intercultural courses activities in Welcommon Hostel organised by Wind of Renewal. I am experienced in English for over 14 years and french for over six months. I have also spent more than five years learning Indian dance and art.

“If you don’t find her teaching, you will see her cooking something in the kitchen“, explained my friends in Welcommon Hostel!

Apart from teaching, I am very interested in journalism, editing and content creation, and this volunteering experience will help her know a lot about communities better.

I aim to contribute to the world someday through words and art.

Thank you Wind of Renewal / Anemos Ananeosis, WElcommon Hostel and friends / volunteers in Athens

 #WindofRenewal #socialinclusion #volunteers #hostels #Athens #volunteers #volunteering #interculturalcourses Days of Welcommon #art #India #dance @NoyonikaSircar #ErasmusPlus

Margaux: participating in a European Solidarity Corps project in Athens with Wind of Renewal

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I am Margaux.

During the first weekend following my arrival at Welcommon Hostel, I had the chance to attend a three-day seminar bringing together different NGOs working on migration issues and coming from different countries: Philippines, United States, Greece, Albania, Poland …

These first days were very interesting and allowed me to update my knowledge concerning the migration crisis in Athens in recent years. They also allowed me to meet many different actors with whom I would like to stay in touch if I continue to work on these issues, and also to participate in empowerment workshops such as the “Story telling” workshop or “organize effective crowdfunding ”.

The following days were a little more difficult because there were only two of us in the volunteer team in December, which did not correspond to what was announced in the description that I had personally found on the Workaway site. Also, the missions were ultimately not those announced.

Δεν υπάρχει διαθέσιμη περιγραφή για τη φωτογραφία.

The second week, we organized a workshop “Make your own comic strip” where only two teenagers participated, one of whom spoke no English at all, which made us completely readjust the workshop created. Then, I organized a workshop “Create your own stand for the Welcommon Hostel winter market“. Again, no one came during the week, except on Saturday when four children and their mother came.

So, from the observation that creating workshops was not enough because the new comers were not already used to coming to Welcommon Hostel for such activities, I had to readjust the tasks to be done. In the following weeks, I therefore concentrated on making the communication as much as possible for NGOs established around the Exarchia district thanks to contacts that had given me by Ida, one of the receptionists of the hotel. I also changed the formula, instead of offering activities over an entire week, I preferred to offer several short activities taking place once a week. This is how I started to work on the installation of a film club, a karaoke, and a “Sunday activity”.

English lessons meanwhile worked well. There were two advanced students when I arrived and as the weeks went by, the English course kept growing with new students; at the end of my volunteering we had a good twenty students coming more or less regularly. I really enjoyed giving English lessons, trying to find learning methods, and reviewing grammar basics to pass them on.

To conclude, the month of December was a bit fluctuating because there were few people coming to the hotel and few volunteers. And the last two weeks have been very hard, because nobody came to the workshops, the second volunteer from Australia left without giving any news and the new Indian volunteers were not very helpful during this period, arriving regularly with about three hours late. I felt quite depressed during this period, feeling left on my own without support, and having to work on tasks different from those announced without support from other volunteers.


Fortunately in early January three new volunteers arrived: Ben, Roseanna and Franziska! One of the Indian volunteers Noyonika also stayed. With this small team, we all got along very well to continue the activities at the Welcommon Hostel. This very enthusiastic new team dynamic allowed the activities to work little by little! Thanks to the support that we gave to each other, communication started to gain momentum and we were able to divide up the missions to be carried out: create posters announcing events, go and stick them in different places, communicate on Facebook, better distribute the students of the beginners and advanced English lessons, animate the events and look for other associations in the area to create partnerships.

Roseanna and Ben have also created online communication tools to exchange our resources thanks to a Google Drive and to identify new students in the English course and have a follow-up on each student’s progress. Then we set up more regular team meetings aimed at improving our functioning and our activities, and meetings with the manager to communicate to him our intentions of activities and to ask him questions concerning the safety rules in Greece. We started asking the English class students if they had any ideas for activities they would like to do. Also, for the more advanced in English we asked them if they would like to teach in turn, and we proposed to some students if they would like to share their knowledge in Farsi, Arabic, French or in other areas of activities.

Franziska allowed, with the help of the team and the hotel manager, several teenagers from our English lessons to organize a kick-boxing session at the Welcommon Hostel. We learned about safety issues, found the basic equipment necessary for the workshop to run, and the manager helped us find a professional to accompany the workshop.

We also allowed other teenagers to organize a music evening at the Welcommon Hostel bar thanks to a DJ they knew. So, little by little, all the activities started to attract more and more people. But it was necessary to constantly support the communication with the students of the English course after having noticed that nobody came to the events when we did not insist every day, even if the week before a lot of people had come.

To conclude, the month of January was much more rewarding. I learned a lot from Roseanna and Franziska thanks to their knowledge of social work: I learned in particular that the most important whatever the organized activity is to spend a pleasant time all together and to create team, to remain vigilant in the way of proposing these activities to avoid waking up traumas and remaining adaptable to different personal situations, and finally to allow others as soon as possible to become active actors in their turn.

I also learned a lot from Ben by attending some of his English lessons. I was inspired by some of his learning methods and I gained more self-confidence while teaching. Working in duo with Roseanna was also beneficial for us may exchange our resources and methods.

For communication, I remember that what was most effective to communicate informally in different places welcoming refugee populations: canteens, free shop, party places … Also, have a start of friendly relationship with some people we met often made them want to join our activities.

Finally, word of mouth ended up working, friends of our students began to come more and more. For cultural events, concentrating communication with students of English courses has also proven to be more effective than trying to reach new people from other organizations.

Finally, I am very happy to have left on a very positive final note. We organized a visit to the Acropolis of Athens on the first Sunday of the month when all the historic sites and museums are free. Many of our young and old students came. On this occasion, I organized a “chocolate photo rally”. The animation worked very well, everyone came out very happy with the activity, and we ended with a huge outdoor game with students from another school, curious to meet us.

Finishing with this great outing was very encouraging for me, despite the difficult beginnings, I keep precious everything I have learned and all the wonderful meetings I have made during these two months.


Lors du premier week-end suivant mon arrivée au Welcommon Hostel, j’ai eu la chance d’assister à un séminaire de trois jours réunissant différentes ONG travaillant sur les questions migratoires et venues de différents pays: Philippines, Etats-Unis, Grèce, Alabanie, Pologne…
Ces premiers jours ont été très intéressants et m’ont permis de mettre à jour mes connaissances concernant la crise migratoire à Athènes de ces dernières années. Ils m’ont également permis de rencontrer beaucoup d’acteurs différents avec lesquels j’aimerais rester en contact si je continue à travailler sur ces questions, et aussi de participer à des ateliers enrichissants comme l’atelier «Story telling» ou encore «Comment organiser un crowdfunding efficace».
Les jours suivants ont été un peu plus difficiles car nous n’étions que deux dans l’équipe de volontaires ce qui ne correspondait pas à ce qui était annoncé dans le descriptif que j’avais personnellement trouvé sur le site Workaway. Aussi, les missions n’étaient finalement pas celles annoncées.
La deuxième semaine, nous avons organisé un workshop «Réalise ta propre bandedessinée» où seulement deux adolescents sont venus dont un ne parlant pas du tout anglais, ce qui nous a fait réadapter complètement l’atelier créé. Puis, j’ai organisé un atelier «Créé ton propre stand à l’occasion du marché d’hiver du Welcommon Hostel». Là encore, personne n’est venu de la semaine, à part le samedi où quatre enfants et leur maîtresse sont venus.
Donc, à partir du constat que créer des ateliers ne suffisait pas car le public n’était pas déjà habitué à venir au Welcommon Hostel, j’ai dû réadapter les tâches à faire. Les semaines suivantes, je me suis donc concentrée à faire de la communication le plus possible pour des ONG établies autour du quartier Exarchia grâce à des contacts que m’avaient donné Ida, une des réceptionnistes de l’hôtel. J’ai également changé la formule, au lieu de proposer des activités sur toute une semaine, j’ai préféré proposer plusieurs activités courtes ayant lieu une fois par semaine. C’est ainsi que j’ai commencé à travailler sur l’installation d’un ciné-club, d’un karaoké, et d’un «dimanche d’activité ».
Les cours d’anglais quant à eux ont bien fonctionnés. Il y avait deux étudiants avancés quand je suis arrivée et au fur et à mesure des semaines, le cours d’anglais n’a cessé de s’ agrandir avec de nouveaux étudiants; à la fin de mon volontariat nous avions une bonne vingtaine d’élèves venant plus ou moins régulièrement. J’ai énormément apprécié donner les cours d’anglais débutants, pour essayer de trouver des méthodes d’apprentissage, et revoir des bases de grammaire pour les transmettre à mon tour.
Pour conclure, le mois de Décembre a été un peu fluctuant car il y avait peu de personnes venant à l’hôtel et peu de volontaires. Et les deux dernières semaines ont été très dures, car personnes n’est venu aux ateliers organisés, car le deuxième volontaire est parti sans donner de nouvelles et car les nouvelles volontaires indiennes n’ont pas été très aidantes sur cette période, arrivant régulièrement avec environ trois heures de retard. Je me suis sentie assez déprimée à cette période, me sentant laissée à moi-même sans soutien de la part du manager, et devant travailler sur des tâches différentes de celles annoncées sans soutien de la part d’autres volontaires.
Heureusement début Janvier sont arrivés trois nouveaux volontaires: Ben, Roseanna et Fransesca ! L’une des volontaires indiennes Noyonika est également restée. Avec cette petite équipe, nous nous sommes tous très bien entendus pour continuer les activités au Welcommon Hostel. Cette nouvelle dynamique d’équipe très enthousiaste ont permis aux activités de fonctionner peu à peu! Grâce au soutien que nous nous sommes donnés les uns les autres, la communication a commencé à prendre de l’ampleur et nous avons pu nous répartir les missions à réaliser: créer les affiches d’annonce des événements, aller les coller dans différents endroits, faire la communication sur Facebook, mieux se répartir les élèves des cours d’anglais débutants et avancés, animer les événements et rechercher d’ autres associations aux alentours pour créer des partenariats.
Roseanna et Ben ont également créé des outils de communication en ligne pour échanger nos ressources grâce à un Google Drive et pour recenser les nouveaux élèves du cours d’anglais et avoir un suivi des progressions de chacun. Puis nous avons mis en place des réunions d’équipe plus régulières visant à améliorer notre fonctionnement et nos activités, et des réunions avec le manager pour lui communiquer nos intentions d’activités et lui poser des questions concernant les règles de sécurité en Grèce. Nous avons commencé à demander aux élèves du cours d’anglais si ils avaient des idées d’activités qu’ils aimeraient faire. Aussi, pour les plus avancés en anglais nous leur avons demandés si ils souhaiteraient enseigner à leur tour, et nous avons proposé à certains élèves si ils souhaiteraient partager leurs connaissances en farsi, en arabe, en français ou encore dans d’autres domaines d’activités.
Fransesca a permis, avec l’aide de l’équipe et du manager de l’hôtel, à plusieurs adolescents de nos cours d’anglais d’organiser une session de kick-boxing au Welcommon Hostel. Nous nous sommes renseignés sur les questions de sécurité, nous trouvé le matériel de base nécessaire au déroulement de l’atelier et le manager nous a aidé à trouver un professionnel pouvant accompagner l’atelier.
Nous avons également permis à d’autres adolescents d’ organiser une soirée au bar du Welcommon Hostel grâce à un DJ qu’ils connaissaient. Ainsi, peu à peu, toutes les activités ont commencé à attirer de plus en plus de monde. Mais si il a fallu soutenir constamment la communication auprès des élèves du cours d’anglais après avoir constaté que personne ne venait aux événements quand nous n’insistions pas tous les jours, et ce même si la semaine d’avant beaucoup de monde était venu.
Pour conclure, le mois de Janvier a été beaucoup plus enrichissant. J’ai beaucoup appris de Roseanna et de Fransesca grâce à leur connaissance du travail social : j’ai notamment appris que le plus important quelque soit l’activité organisée est de passer un moment agréable tous ensemble et de créer du lien, de rester vigilante dans la manière de proposer ces activités pour éviter de réveiller des traumatismes et de rester adaptable aux différentes situations personnelles, et enfin de permettre dès que possible à d’autres de devenir force de proposition à leur tour.
J’ai également beaucoup appris grâce à Ben en assistant à quelques uns de ses cours d’anglais. Je me suis inspirée de certaines de ses méthodes d’apprentissage et j’ai ainsi pris de plus en plus confiance en moi en enseignant. Travailler en duo avec Roseanna a également été bénéfique pour que nous
puissions échanger nos ressources et méthodes.
Pour la communication, je retiens que ce qui a été le plus efficace a été de communiquer de manière informelle dans différents lieux accueillants des populations de réfugiés : cantines, free shop, lieux de fête… Aussi, avoir un début de relation amicale avec certaines personnes rencontrées leur a souvent donné envie de rejoindre nos activités. Enfin, le bouche-à-oreille a fini par fonctionner, des amis de nos étudiants ont commencé à venir de plus en plus. Pour les événements culturels, concentrer la communication en direction des étudiants des cours d’anglais s’est également révélé plus efficace que d’essayer de toucher de nouvelles personnes d’organisations aux alentours.
Pour finir, je suis très heureuse d’être partie sur une dernière note très positive. Nous avons organisé une sortie à l’Acropole d’Athènes à l’occasion du premier dimanche du mois où tous les sites historiques et musées sont gratuits. Beaucoup de nos étudiants jeunes ou âgés sont venus. A cette occasion, j’ai organisé un «rallye photo chocolat». L’animation a très bien fonctionné, tout le monde est ressorti très content de l’activité, et nous avons terminé par un énorme jeu extérieur avec des étudiants venus d’une autre école, curieux de nous rencontrer.
Finir avec cette belle sortie a été très encourageant pour moi, malgré des débuts difficiles, je garde précieusement tout ce que j’ai appris et toutes les magnifiques rencontres que j’ai faites pendant ces deux mois.
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