CECOP & CICOPA sent a letter to the Greek Minister of Labour on cooperatives

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First Greek law covering both social cooperatives and worker cooperatives to be discussed soon at the national parliament

CECOP and CICOPA, the International Organisation of Industrial and Service Cooperatives, have recently sent a joint letter to the Greek Alternate Minister of Labour, Ms. Rania Antonopoulos, after consulting a network of international experts in worker cooperative and social cooperative legislation.


5 August 2016

The Greek government has prepared a draft law on Social and Solidarity Economy and the development of its agencies, which will soon be discussed by the Greek parliament. While part of the law is on the wider social and solidarity economy (which includes all cooperative sectors, mutuals, associations and foundations), most provisions actually aim at defining and regulating social cooperatives and worker cooperatives. It will become the first law regarding both social cooperatives and worker cooperatives in the country.

Two previous successive laws on social cooperatives already exist and are both in force, one from 1999 regulating exclusively social cooperatives involved in the integration of psychiatric patients and is too narrow to be really effective, and one from 2011 which is broader but presents a series of problems which the present draft law attempts to solve.

The new draft law certainly has strong points compared to the 2011 law, but still presents a series of weak points which are a matter of concern and should be improved. For this purpose, CECOP and CICOPA, the International Organisation of Industrial and Service Cooperatives, have recently sent a joint letter to the Greek Alternate Minister of Labour, Ms. Rania Antonopoulos, after consulting a network of international experts in worker cooperative and social cooperative legislation.

In the letter, both organisations have made a series of proposals for modification, including:
 Differentiating the wider social and solidarity economy part of the law from the one focusing on social and worker cooperatives, possibly by passing separate pieces of legislation;
 Inserting in the Greek legislation (in this draft law or another law) the cooperative definition, values and principles enshrined in theStatement on the Cooperative Identity and inserted fully in ILO Promotion of Cooperatives Recommendation n°193 (2002), which the Greek Government (like the Governments of all present members of the European Union) has formally approved;
 Enshrining the definition and key characteristics of social cooperatives as formulated respectively in the CICOPA 2011 World Standards of Social Cooperatives and the CICOPA 2003 World Declaration on Worker Cooperatives ;
Defining tax-related provisions, in particular regarding the employment of disadvantaged persons and the change of ownership in worker buyouts;
Providing the option that social cooperatives be multi-stakeholder, namely with different categories of members;
Differentiating more clearly, in the second degree structures of social cooperatives and worker cooperatives, representative associations from entrepreneurial consortia;
Instituting audit functions covering the proper implementation of the cooperative modus operandi, to be exercised by the representative associations through their own auditors in the case of affiliated cooperatives, and by the State in the case of non-affiliated ones, similarly to what is already in force in several EU countries.

Social Cooperatives International School

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Social Cooperatives International School – SCIS2016

Naples (Italy), 20-23 October 2016

The CECOP Italian member Federsolidarietà – Confcooperative, the biggest federation of social cooperatives in Europe and in the world, organizes the second edition of the Social Cooperatives International School – SCIS2016, in Naples (Italy) from 20 to 23 October 2016. The School, with a high entrepreneurial profile and specifically addressed to cooperatives’ managers, is renewed this year after the successful editions held in Bertinoro (2014) and Milan (2015). Since last year, the School has become international, extending the participation to social co-operators from all over the world. This responds to the increasing need to give social cooperation an international space for debate and exchange.

The Social Cooperatives International School will be a unique learning space, where theoretical discussions will be accompanied by exchanges on practical issues, allowing a mutual understanding among the participants and encouraging networking.  The School expects to host 40 people, 20 of whom will be Italian and 20 from other countries. The working language will be English.

You will find attached the programme of the School with the description of the different training modules. To attend the School, apart from travelling costs, candidates must pay a participation fee of 220 euros € (VAT included) which includes lectures, workshops and teaching materials, coffee breaks and lunches, and accommodation in double rooms in Naples (20-21-22 October). For those who wish to stay in a single room, it will be possible by paying a fee of 385 € (VAT included). The participation fee also includes the visit to the Catacombe di San Gennario at Rione Sanità in Naples, a project of the social cooperative “La Paranza” (www.catacombedinapoli.it/en).

Candidates should fill in the attached form and send it to Valerio Pellirossi at Federsolidarietà (pellirossi.v@confcooperative.it) with copy to Elisa Terrasi at CECOP  (elisa.terrasi@cecop.coop) on 15 September 2016 at the latest. They should also have transferred the registration fee for that date. The registration is considered confirmed after the transfer of the participation fee and the transmission of the payment receipt topellirossi.v@confcooperative.it.


Ecole internationale sur les coopératives sociales – SCIS2016

Naples (Italie), 20-23 octobre 2016

Le membre italien  de CECOP Federsolidarietà – Confcooperative, la plus grande fédération de coopératives sociales en Europe et dans le monde, organise la deuxième édition de l’Ecole internationale sur les coopératives sociales 2016 – SCIS2016, à Naples (Italie) du 20 au 23 octobre 2016. L’école, avec un profil entrepreneurial élevé et adressé spécifiquement aux gestionnaires des coopératives, est renouvelée cette année après le succès des éditions précédentes de Bertinoro (2014) et Milan (2015). Depuis l’année dernière, l’Ecole est devenue internationale étendant la participation aux coopérateurs sociaux provenant du monde entier. Cela répond à la nécessité croissante de donner à la coopération sociale un espace international pour le débat et l’échange.

L’Ecole internationale sur les coopératives sociales sera un espace d’apprentissage unique, où les discussions théoriques seront accompagnées par des échanges sur des questions pratiques, permettant une compréhension mutuelle entre les participants et encourageant la mise en réseau. L’Ecole prévoit d’accueillir 40 personnes, dont 20seront italiennes et 20 provenant d’autres pays. La langue de travail sera l’anglais.

Vous trouverez ci-joint le programme de l’Ecole avec la description des différents modules de formation. Pour assister à l’Ecole, les candidats doivent payer, en dehors des frais de voyage, un droit d’inscription de 220 euros € (TVA incluse) qui comprend l’accès aux cours et ateliers et le matériel pédagogique, ainsi que les pauses café et les déjeuners, et l’hébergement en chambre double à Naples (20-21-22 Octobre). Pour ceux qui souhaitent rester dans une chambre individuelle, ceci sera possible en payant un droit d’inscription de 385 € (TVA incluse). Le droit d’inscription comprend également la visite à Catacombe di San Gennario à Rione Sanità à Naples, un projet de la coopérative sociale “La Paranza” (www.catacombedinapoli.it/en).

Les candidats doivent remplir le formulaire ci-joint et l’envoyer à Valerio Pellirossi à Federsolidarietà (pellirossi.v@confcooperative.it) avec copie à Elisa Terrasi à CECOP (elisa.terrasi@cecop.coop) le 15 Septembre 2016 au plus tard. Les frais d’inscription devraient également être payés pour cette date. L’inscription est considérée comme confirmée après le paiement et l’envoi de la confirmation de paiement à pellirossi.v@confcooperative.it.

Nous vous invitons à diffuser l’information auprès de vos coopératives membres et à nous tenir au courant de toute expression d’intérêt à participer!


Elisa Terrasi

Development and Studies Officer


The European confederation of industrial and service cooperatives

105 Avenue Milcamps

BE – 1030 Brussels

Tel: + 32 2 543 10 38

2nd WORKSHOP ON: “Energy Poverty in Greece and the contribution of green and social innovation to address the problem”

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Energy poverty constitutes a serious social problem in many European countries with multiple effects both on health and on the overall poverty, and affects more than 100.000.000 European citizens. In 2015, about 10% of EU citizens, experienced delays in the payment of public utilities bills (37% in the most affected member states). In 2014, 12% of EU citizens lacked sufficient heating in their homes 2014 (60% in the most affected member states), while 16% of the EU population resided, in accordance with the SILC statistics, in houses with dripping roofs and wet walls (33% in the most affected member states).

On Wednesday 29 June 2016, the 2nd workshop took place within the context of the development of the Policy Paper: “The status of Energy Poverty in Greece and the contribution of green and social innovation to address the problem”. The main objective of the workshop was the exchange of views and ideas with national and EU stakeholders.

This initiative is the result of cooperation between the Heinrich Böll Foundation Greece, the social cooperative “Wind of Renewal” and the Institute for Zero Energy Buildings, which are active in the fields of ecology, energy efficiency and sustainable development, while both the first and the second workshop were supported by Athens Resilience and Sustainability office.

During the first part of the workshop the available national and European programs and innovative financial tools that could help to overcome energy poverty were discussed, in the light of social and green innovation. A significant number of experts and scientists dealing with this issue accepted the invitation – both from Greece and abroad. More specifically in the first part presented:

Ada Ámon – E3G
Energy efficiency as infrastructure and its role in alleviating fuel poverty

Adrian Joyce – Director of the Renovate Europe Campaign
Energy Poverty – The view from Brussels

Michalis Goudis – Housing Europe
Warm homes for all; How to tackle the challenge of our generation

Dr George Koutitas (CEO) – Gridmates Inc.
The smart giving of energy

• Dr Kostas Konstantinou – Anatoliki A.E.
Energy Services Companies in Greece

Alexis Panagiotopoulos – Ministry of Economy, Development & Tourism
Sources of financing in the context of the programming period 2014-2020

Nikos Gonis– Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Innovative financial tools and successful examples of their exploitation

Dr Evangelos Marinakis – National Technical University of Athens
Enhancing energy efficiency in buildings: needs and priorities for innovative investment tools

Evi Tzanakaki – Center for Renewable Energy Sources and Savings
Local authorities as a catalyst in tackling energy poverty

Constantinos Liveris – Employees Association of Social Housing (OEK)
Utilization of social housing in Greece

In the second part of the workshop the draft of the Policy Paper was presented and an open discussion followed with the participation of representatives from universities and municipalities as well as researchers, students and citizens.
Emphasis was given on the contribution of the green and social innovation in dealing with the phenomenon and proposals and comments on the draft were submitted.

The discussion was coordinated by Nikos Chrysogelos, president of social cooperative “Wind of Renewal”, Alice Corovessi and Eleftheria Touloupaki from the Institute of Zero Energy Buildings, Olga Drossou and Kyriaki Metaxa from the Heinrich Böll Foundation Greece.
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