Climate change is already a reality but we have to do our best for climate protection and energy transition. The social enterprise Wind of Renewal / Anemos Ananeosis (WoR) has a strong commitment to building a better world through social and green innovation, green and social economy and the cooperative business model. It was constituted in Greece in 2014 for the promotion of social cooperative and responsible economy, social entrepreneurship, green-circular economy, eco-social innovation, intercultural dialogue and the protection of environment.
We promote Energy Transition
Anemos Ananeosis / Wind of Renewal participates in two programs of European Climate Initiative and promotes
a) education and awareness of 200 teachers from 73 school from Athens and the participation of thousands of students in order to raise awareness about climate and reduction of energy consumption in schools @EUKI_Climate
b) The training of 11 Greek young people (at the same time 11 young people in Spain) is aimed to obtain professional qualifications for young people to promote the energy control in schools and other buildings to implement the innovative natural climate systems and practices that will transform schools into zero-emission buildings @EUKI_Climate
In collaboration with the partners of Graeducation program we have recently trained, more than 100 teachers of primary schools and professors of the secondary education on renewable energy sources topics focus in vocational education of Green skills and professions field.
We want to make our innovative WELCOMMON HOSTEL, a new Hostel in Athens with social and green impact more energy efficient as well as a demonstration center for energy efficient systems, a zero emission building, a training center for energy transition and climate protection in collaboration with different organizations, research centers, energy cooperative, financial institutions. With the WELCOMMON HOSTEL we are combining two “different” aims: sustainable tourism, green and social innovation with green transition, social inclusion, art, intercultural dialogue.
- 5 floors of the WELCOMMON HOSTEL are dedicated for sustainable tourism
- 2 floors for social inclusion, social and green entrepreneurship activities, intercultural dialogue and art work.
We have so far invested more than 250.000 euro for the renovation, refurbishment based on reuse-upcycling and to acquire equipment for the hostel, but we must invest more resources for the decoration and the rest of the equipment, for energy efficient systems, and an infrastructure for a better environmental and energy performance
Anemos Ananeosis / Wind of Renewal is renting since August 2016 this building with about 3.200 square meter, which was until the end of the year 2013 a public clinic. We fully renovated the building already twice. Once at autumn 2016 to be for 1,5 years a model center for accommodation and integration of the most vulnerable refugees and then again to become an innovative, functional and esthetic Hostel with a social and green impact.
The whole renovation based on the idea and the awareness of re-use and up-cycling, not only to reduce renovation expenses but also for ecological issues. Beside the fact that we did relevant changes for the lightning, changing the old lamps with new LED lights, there are double windows and some insulation, we regulated the boiler, the temperature of the waste gases and other mechanical systems, to reduce energy waste. However, the building is old and remains energetically wasteful and ineffective. The result is negative both as for the climate and for the expenses of the heating, cooling and electricity.
For environmental and economic reasons we are immediately looking to modify the building to a zero emission building and to operate as a center of education and training in green issues and activities and also as a place to demonstrate energy efficient technology and present renewable energy sources in the city of Athens.
We are looking for donations and programs to support our plan and companies, which are willing to provide to WELCOMMON HOSTEL their technologies of energy reduction and renewable energy sources on buildings in order to be able to transform it into a zero emission building. In return, we demonstrate the technology to our guests and cooperation partners from all over the world, who visit us to see our work. Thousands of people and organizations, schools, students, businesses will have the opportunity to be introduced to these technologies and practices in an open center for demonstration.
Find resources to create the space for training and to create a spirited team and partners who will be able to use the organized energy experimental workshops which can take place at Welcommon Hostel and can also take place in the professional orientation of pupils, in order to familiarize the students or any interested parties in renewable energy sources, and energy efficiency.
Promoting of circular green economy
Under the concept “Discussing and taking the initiative for the green/circular and social economy and the innovation” we are organising a variety of workshops, public events and day workshops with the participation of universities, teachers social – vocational institutions, social – economy enterprises, social media such as:
- Changing the productive and economical model: circular/green economy, climate change and energy transition, energy–efficient techniques, energy cooperatives, energy neighborhood, etc.
- Science and technology. What are the changes and how do they affect the productive, economic and social model: green chemistry, green design, green products and green infrastructures for climate change, the digital technology and the economy for the society, the environment and the sustainability.
- A new social policy based on social and green innovation and on social investments: the role of innovation and social economy against the housing crisis, red loans and the energy poverty, alternative finance tools to support smaller and bigger projects with social and ecological impacts, re
- What is the future of the city in times of climate change, the risk and the mass movements of population? The climate change in the city and other changes are needed to make cities resilient.
- How do new tourism models affect the cities (like Airbnb and mass tourism), which models for housing and social inclusion of vulnerable groups can strengthen the neighborhoods and the cohesion of the city? How will the energy poverty politics could support the social and green innovation?
The events will take place once a week, from beginning of February until the end of 2019, at WELCOMMON HOSTEL in cooperation with many institutions.
Summer School for energy transition
We are planning a Summer School for Energy Transition in collaboration with a number of organizations and universities. This will take place on the first week of July 2019 in Sifnos (Greek island), with 20 young people from Greece, Germany and Spain. We will discuss topics on energy savings in buildings, energy audits, natural air-conditioning systems, traditional and contemporary bioclimatic architecture, energy transition, zero emission buildings, energy cooperatives, etc. The summer school will be combined with public events and a workshop for energy cooperatives.
If you want to collaborate with Anemos Ananeosis / Wind of Renewal, please contact us windofrenewal@gamil.com. We will be glad to find the way for a creative cooperation.
Best regards!
Nikos Chrysogelos
#Sustainability #Athens #cooperatives #SocEnt #innovation #social
#inclusion #withrefugees #WelcommonHostel @Social Cooperatives
#sustainabletourism #education #youth #Erasmusplus #volunteers #art
Contact us: info@welcommonhostel.gr or windofrenewal@gmail.com
If you want to support our social activities with a donation, our bank account is
Piraeus Bank
IBAN: GR83 0172 0180 0050 1807 7868 253
Piraeus’s BIC code is PIRBGRAA