Energy efficiency of the building of WELCOMMON HOSTEL and use it as center to demonstrate applied technologies of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources.
Wind of Renewal is renting since August 2016 the building with about 3.200 square meter, which was until the end of the year 2013 a public clinic. We fully renovated the building already twice. Once at autumn 2016 to be for 1,5 years a model center for accommodation and integration of the most vulnerable refugees and then again to become an innovative, functional and esthetic Hostel with a social impact, the WELCOMMON HOSTEL.
The whole renovation was based on the idea and the awareness of re-use and up-cycling, not only to reduce renovation expenses but also for ecological reasons.
Beside the fact that we did relevant changes for the lightning, changing the old lamps with new LED lights, there are double windows and some insulation, we regulated the boiler, the temperature of the waste gases and other mechanical systems, to reduce energy waste. However, the building is old and remains energetically wasteful and ineffective. The result is negative both as for the climate and for the expenses of the heating, cooling and electricity. The next step was the installation of 20 solar panels, in order to produce hot water for the clients of the hostel and reduce the use of oil for heating of water and the energy audit of the WElCOMMON HOSTEL, in order to evaluate the performance of energy efficiency measures (like changing to led lighting) and the solar systems installed recently.
There are measures of the temperatures on the solar panels and of the water in circulation and in boilers every one hour starting since some months ago as well financial data (payments of electricity and oil) for the last 3,5 years. All the data will be evaluated for a better understanding how we can implement solar systems on the roof of big buildings, like schools, hotels, companies and block of flats and how is their energy and financial performance in Athens.
For environmental and economic reasons we are immediately looking to modify the building to a zero emission building and to operate as a center of education and training in green trades and activities and also as a place to demonstrate energy efficient technology and present renewable energy sources in the city of Athens.
We are searching for company or cooperative or research center which is willing to provide to WELCOMMON HOSTEL the technology of energy reduction and renewable energy sources on buildings to transform it into a zero emission buildings. In return, we demonstrate the technology to our guests and cooperation partners from all over the world, who visit us to see our work. Thousands of people and organizations, schools, students, businesses will have the opportunity to be introduced to these technologies and practices in an open center for demonstration or from remote.