Funding the social and ecological transition
The importance of the ethical and alternative banks for funding the social and ecological transition – experiences and good examples in Europe
Discussion with Bernard Horenbeek, general manager of the network LA NEF
societe cooperative de finances solidaires
When: 30th of May, 2019, on 18.00
Where: WELCOMMON HOSTEL, Kapodistriou str No 4, 10682 Athens
We will discuss different financial tools and investments with impact; ways citizen initiatives, cooperatives, non-profit companies and cooperative-ethical banks arrange new mechanisms to access, purchase, and fund projects for communities, social and ecological transition.
The discussion will be in English and Greek and is part of “Green and Social Innovation”, a series of public events organised by Wind of Renewal in cooperation with Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Greece
Registration: windofrenewal@gmail.com (name, last name, email, organization)