Join our community – Days of Welcommon – Green Social Innovation
Wind of Renewal (Άνεμος Ανανέωσης) – our social enterprise, and Welcommon Hostel – our innovative hostel with social and ecological impacts – want you to collaborate with us as we deliver real social and ecological impact in Athens, Greece. We believe in being a part of the change we want to see in the world – and we want you to be a part of it too.
We are a beacon of sustainable tourism in the heart of Athens; a community centre for refugees, migrants, volunteers, travelers and local Greeks to come together, learn essential life and language skills and be empowered; and an inspirer and educator for climate change action.

Every week, we – the volunteers of Wind of Renewal from many countries – do the activities in the frame of “Days of Welcommon” and “Green Social Innovation” (European Solidarity Corps) – below at a minimum. We try to be as flexible as possible so that we can meet the needs of people we work alongside, only doing what’s wanted. And there’s always more room in the schedule for great ideas led by new collaborators!

– FUNday activities,
– Non-English language practice,
– English language practice
– Family language practice
– Movies
– Kickboxing exercise
– Karaoke
– Music
and many others

Activities Details
● FUNday activities (Sunday 13:00 – 17:00) We take suggestions for outings and day trips from the people we’re working with in regular classes and plan a fun day out each Sunday. In 2020, we’ve been hunting for treasure in the Acropolis, looking at art and making our own at the Municipal Gallery of Athens, played football in Alexander Park, and been out for a picnic in the sun!
● Team meet (Monday 13:00-14:00) We get together as a volunteer team every Monday to discuss any important business, assign lead facilitators for activities, come up with new activities or bring suggestions to the group, and refine our flexible language practice offer.
● Non-English language practice (Monday – Thursday 14:00 – 15:00) At the moment, we can help people with German and French as well as English. We’re always looking for more language skills to share from volunteers and our wider Welcommon family!
● English language practice (Monday – Thursday 15:00 – 17:00) Right now, we split English learners up by ability and practice English in groups of around eight or ten. We are not teachers! We don’t give lessons, but we can facilitate language practice with native or fluent speakers for free to anybody who wants it
● Family language practice (Monday – Thursday 17:00 – 18:00) We also facilitate language practice for families for an hour each day. We ask a parent to learn alongside their children, and help the whole family practice a language together
● Meet mentor and coordinator of the volunteers (Monday 18:00 – 19:00) We try to meet them once a week to run through any changes, ideas, new work or events coming up
● Planning (Tuesday – Thursday 13:00 – 14:00) We make sure we have a few hours each week to plan language practice activities, evening activities, FUNday, and anything else we need to get done like posters and social media
● Karaoke (Tuesday 21:00 – 00:00) Karaoke in the main reception area for Welcommon is hugely popular! We just connect a laptop, projector, microphone and speakers and play YouTube videos of karaoke or lyrics – whatever people ask for!
● Movies (Wednesday 20:00 – 23:00) We get movie suggestions from everybody who’s interested. If we show a movie for grown-ups then we make sure we also have a short feature for the family beforehand.

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